subversion header. the word subversion on a background of hot pink and splattered stains


subversion is a weird little 8-page minizine distributed by randos on the internet. issues of subversion are obtained in one of three ways: 1) finding them hidden somewhere or 2) requesting to become a distributor or 3) buying issues for yourself via our shop. we'll be developing other ways of supporting the zine as we figure them out. follow on socials to know when we drop stuff.

sometimes they'll be pretty, sometimes they'll be awful. since those things are subjective, we can only promise to put out stuff we actually enjoy. we like art made by people, are strictly anti-capitalist, anti-racist, pro-queer, pro-choice, pro-science, pro-publically funded and equitably accessible education, pro-therapy, pro-nerd, and generally pro-people. we're pro-acceptance, but not pro-tolerance. if something in that list—or the existance of that list—irks you in some way, you should probably just move along.

if you're still here, awesome. thanks for being a decent human being.